Jim Thompson House
Jim Thompson was an American business man who helped revitalize
Jim Thompson House
Jim Thompson was an American business man who helped revitalize
I don't know about you, but I have the travel bug. I am always thinking of where I want to visit next. To me, there is nothing better than jet-setting from country to country. The mystery and intrigue of what awaits when I step off of the plane is invigorating. I love to share stories of my experiences and adventures around the world. Hopefully, I can give some helpful travel tips.
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Wow, gorgeous architecture! I love the lush greenery around it.
Ashley, I'm not a trained photographer. I just take lots and lots of photos of the SAME scene.
One is bound to come out nicely. :-)
Very cute cottage.
Love your blog. Added to my favourites. Really great photo of you at the airport.
If I may ask you, what you thinks make country or place like Thailand and Bali are so special and interesting in the eyes of westerners ? Is it the values that are so different or ........
Hi EoNe. Thanks for your comment. I don't know about other travelers, but as for me, I find Thailand to be so different from everything I am use to in my daily life.
The picturesque islands are like a tropical paradise and the people are so kind and generous. Thailand seems to be a very welcoming country that I am always happy to visit!
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